Local Lib Dem MP wins support for his bill to ban puppy smuggling

Lib Dem MP and vet Danny Chambers
On a mission to ban puppy smuggling
A Hampshire Lib Dem MP and vet Danny Chambers has proposed a bill in Parliament to ban puppy smuggling.
The bill would end puppy smuggling, ban imports of animals with harmful mutilations and reduce the risk of disease entering the UK. It's up for a second reading in Parliament on the 29th Nov.
The British Veterinary Association are supporting the bill, and it has even earned the support of ministers.
But the campaign isn't over yet.
The bill now has a long course through Parliament including lots more votes. It will also need the government to allocate it time on Parliament's agenda.
Portsmouth Lib Dems are keeping up the pressure.
Our puppy smuggling petition, which has been signed by residents across the city, is a key way of keeping up the heat on the new government to stop puppy smuggling once and for all.
Sign and share the petition today to support the Lib Dems' puppy smuggling bill.
Stop Puppy Smuggling
Puppy smuggling should be stopped. Irresponsible puppy breeders and sellers aren’t protecting the health and welfare of dogs and puppies. The Conservatives have dropped the Kept Animals bill which would have cracked down on puppy smuggling. The new law was promised in the Conservatives' manifesto but has now been abandoned. Puppy smuggling cannot be allowed to go on.