3 Reasons to use your postal vote for the Liberal Democrats

Postal votes are being delivered from today. Here's 3 reason why you should vote Lib Dem:
Reason 1:
Lib Dems have been working hard all year on relevant, positive, local campaigns to:
• Get more GPs and NHS dental treatments for Portsmouth
• Support vulnerable pensioners & families in our community
• Take practical steps towards a greener city like rolling out food waste recycling, improving bus services.
Reason 2: The Lib Dems have kept in touch all year round
We’ve spoken with people on your street and delivered Focus leaflets to your door, all year round - we've not just appeared at election time!
That’s why many moderate Conservatives, Labour general election voters and unaligned voters will vote Lib Dem in local elections.
They want an effective “local champion” who will work hard for their area.
Reason 3: Regardless of your politics, all our candidates are active, caring and competent – the basis for any good local councillor.
Remember, this is a local election about who runs Portsmouth.
The current Lib Dem-led Council run the city well, keeping Council Tax below other South Coast cities and running local services better. Let's keep that going.
So, please use your postal ballot next week for the Liberal Democrat candidate in your area.
Let's keep Portsmouth moving forward.